I started taking photographs in 2004. Ever since my first photos I have been “wanting to know more about photography than I already did” (cit.), so I kept and keep learning.

I am fascinated by industrial culture, humans in their cyberspaces and the shape of everything. I am obsessed with light. My focus is on the hidden vibes and undersounds, the dissonances and discrepancies and the cracks in vision. 

I guess photography is where I articulate those things I am unable to speak and write about.

I took some but not many photography classes – for darkroom techniques at the wonderful Lichtmal Lab and composition at the Ostkreuzschule – both in Berlin.

I had the privilege of observing many great professionals at work in their labs and studios. They have my eternal gratitude. Observing is the best way to learn for me. Observing and then try and try, in order to develop my own eye, method and work ritual.

Over the years I built my little darkroom where I develop my films and print my work on paper I coat myself. In my studio and in concert halls I shoot digital photography which has been exhibited in Berlin and chosen for diverse music publications.

My goal is to keep learning everything that Light has to teach me.

I am available for cooperations, for shooting concerts and for studio portraits of different kinds.

Browse my work on this site or contact me at aa@astridxaim.eu

Me by Tanja Kloth-Bober
AA by Tanja Kloth-Bober, 2022


Werkschau #3 – Z22 Gallery, Berlin. 10.2022-01.2023

Über Heimat – End show of the Sven Marquardt class of 2020 at OKS Berlin. Liebig12, Berlin. 03.2022

The Female Side of the Moon – Z22 Gallery, Berlin. 01-03.2021


We Jazz Helsinki Magazine // Fall 2022 “Amaryllis”

African Paper – proud that my work has often been chosen to illustrate the content of the best music magazine around

TAZ 01.2022 – Bob Rutman Tribute with Apres Garde Dub Orchestra

For Sentimental Reasons – a book about Bob Rutman. Self published in 2020 – Sold Out


See what I have been up to lately